Lower Back Pain

Relief of lower back pain is the most common reason patients seek care from Kendall Chiropractor. Chiropractic is the most effective way to improve lower back pain. Not to mention that it is ALL NATURAL with No Medications.

The nerves of the back can be pinched causing irritation this is why having back pains can become a serious health concern with the most common complaint being lower back pain. The bones of the back can move and put pressure on nerves as illustrated here. Most commonly from movement and stress that we put on our body.


Symptoms of Sciatica are muscle aches or weakness, shooting or stabbing pains, numbness and tingling in the legs and feet, inability to stand straight, and radiating pains through other parts of the body.  Typically this will be caused by a disc herniation.

Pain can travel from the lower back into the foot and big toe or can just be felt down the leg and not in the back at all. This makes the problem sometimes hard to diagnose.

Is your sciatic nerve causing lower back pain?

The sciatic nerve is the thickest nerve in the body and the most easily pinched. Commonly this can occur when lifting improperly or from sitting without proper support on the lower back. This can be from the muscles in the lower back so we typically have patients perform stretches and exercises as part of our rehabilitation program for lower back pain and sciatic nerve pain relief.

Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Low back stretches Handout for patients pdf.

Chiropractic care can relieve pressure on the nerve by moving the bone that is causing the irritation. In our office, we use light force methods of adjusting the spine known as the Palmer Package taught at the founding chiropractic school of Chiropractic. These age-old methods can alleviate all forms of pain and nerve interference. Since there are patients with severe lower back pain we also have introduced methods of healing disc herniation pain including spinal decompression.

For more information on Severe Lower back pain treatment click here.