Neck Pain Treatment
Chiropractic care can help to restore the neck to a normal position and help neck pain by moving the bone of the nerve. There are many ways to do this and that is where the art of adjustment takes over. In our office, we utilize multiple techniques for the convenience of our patients.
Light adjustments using tools and manual adjustments are done to the level of comfort of the patient.
Get neck pain relief.
Pressure on the nerves of the Neck can lead to other complications such as Headaches and migraines, numbness and tingling in the hands and arms, and or shooting pains down the arms and back.
Your neck (cervical spine) is vulnerable to injury because it supports the weight of your head which averages around 12 pounds and can move in every direction. One of the most common forms of neck pain is whiplash from a car accident. Not solving the cause of the pain may cause more damage to the neck. Neck pain can indicate many problems such as poor posture, injury, and complications of the bones and joints in the neck.
Neck pain can cause migraines and headaches
There are two different types of problems that we look for in patients with this problem.
- Loss of the curve in the neck
- Rotation of the first two bones of the spine
If during the evaluation of cervical x-rays we find either of the two above problems you are a candidate for headache relief with chiropractic adjustments. This is commonly overlooked by most physicians and can have a major impact if the life of someone who suffers from headaches or migraines.